ElevenReader App

Listen to anything on the go with the highest quality voices

The ElevenReader App narrates articles, PDFs, ePubs, newsletters, or any other text content. Simply choose a voice from our expansive library, upload your content, and listen on the go.

A logo of a the type of content that can be read in the ElevenLabs Reader App



The Elevenlabs logo
A logo of a the type of content that can be read in the ElevenLabs Reader App



The Elevenlabs logo
A logo of a the type of content that can be read in the ElevenLabs Reader App



The Elevenlabs logo
A logo of a the type of content that can be read in the ElevenLabs Reader App



The Elevenlabs logo
ElevenLabs Reader App
ElevenLabs Reader App

Elevate your listening experience

Take this powerful text-to-speech app on-the-go as the ideal audio companion during your commute, at the gym, for work and school, or for accessibility uses. Powered by ElevenLabs contextually-aware Text to Speech (TTS) model, ElevenReader puts the highest-quality AI voice technology in your pocket.

Frequently asked questions


Create with the highest quality AI Audio

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